With travel and safety restrictions limiting our geothermal facility tours this year, our business development and marketing teams have come up with a creative solution to show off our newest facility! Check out the 360-degree video of our newest geothermal facility, Steamboat Hills, below. With 360-degree video technology, you can pause the video, move the screen, or tilt your phone to view the plant from any perspective you want. Give it a test drive on your laptop, phone, or tablet device to see geothermal as you’ve never seen it before. (Recommended browser is Chrome, recommended setting of 1080p.)

The Steamboat Hills complex is located in Washoe County, Nevada and is part of the Steamboat Complex that is comprised of six power plants utilizing binary systems with both air and water cooling. The generating capacity of the complex is 84 MW, with the first plant reaching commercial operation in 1992, and the most recent plant reaching commercial operation in June of 2020.