social impact

Fostering Sustainable Development through Community Empowerment

We view the communities in which we operate as our partners, and we aim to foster long-term relationships with them to support their sustainable development. 


Many of our geothermal power plants are located in remote rural areas where there are limited employment opportunities, so the jobs we provide contribute directly to local economic development.


We offer access to professional opportunities, from plant managers to local sustainability managers, power plant operators, maintenance workers, engineers, and more.


We invest in creating professional advancement opportunities for local residents around the world. In Nevada, U.S., for instance, we partner with community colleges and universities to create curricula focused on technical subjects.

did you know?

At our global power plants, 100% of management are country nationals, and a majority of employees are residents of nearby communities.


Our approach to community engagement is based on meaningful, open communication and engagement with local stakeholders. Across all the countries we operate in, we conduct significant community engagement activities to understand their specific needs, including:

  • Social
  • Environmental
  • Economic
  • Cultural

We recognize that each community has its own unique characteristics, needs, and challenges. One way we work to engage in an impactful way is through strategic alliances with local municipalities and associations to identify the needs of communities near our facilities. Our outreach includes encouraging participation from all stakeholders and efforts to reduce inequalities.


Ormat works with local communities to identify opportunities to fostering sustainable development through community empowerment.


The main topics that we focus on as part of our social impact strategy:

  • We aim to empower and support the communities located near our sites
  • Empowering women and youth through education
  • Promoting Community Health
  • Supporting Environmental Resilience & Infrastructure